Srinagar: A Lashkar-e-Taiba associate has been arrested during a joint operation of the Army, Jammu and Kashmir police and security forces in Kerri Dolipura area of Baramulla district in north Kashmir. According to reports, a joint operation of Army, J&K Police and SSB during a search operation in Kerri Dolipura, a Lashkar-e-Taiba associate was arrested and some ammunition was recovered from his possession. The militant was identiffied as Iqbal Mir, son of Ghulam Nabi Mir Sakina Man Gam Wagura. A case has been registered in this regard and further investigation has been started.
Meanwhile, in another incident, militants carried out a grenade attack on the CRPF bunker in the Ashajipura area of Anantnag. Suspected militants hurled a grenade at CRPF 40 Battalion headquarters in Ashajipura area of Anantnag district in south Kashmir. Therefore, security forces cordoned off the area and launched a massive search for the attackers.
Read: Militants escape after brief shootout with security forces in JK's Shopian