Chennai: In a shocking incident, an advocate at the Madras High Court was caught making up with a woman during a virtual hearing after which he paid Rs 4 lakh to her as compensation on court orders. The accused advocate identified as Santhanakrishnan behaved obscenely with the woman during the online hearing of cases in view of COVID pandemic without realising that he was on camera. Another person, who was part of the hearing took the video on his cell phone and posted it on social media. Judges and prosecutors were shocked to see the viral video.
The High Court filed a suo moto case in connection with the incident. The CBCID police were ordered to conduct an investigation. Accordingly, the CBCID officials filed a case and arrested advocate Santhanakrishnan. Following the hearing, the bench, headed by Justice PN Prakash, ordered Santhanakrishnan to pay Rs 4 lakh as compensation to the woman involved in the video. Later, the lawyer paid the amount to the woman on court directions.
Also read: BIZARRE: Man watches Kerala High Court virtual hearing as he shaves; probe ordered