Hyderabad: Aseem Arun, a 1994 batch IPS officer, who recently resigned from his post to take up the BJP candidature from the Kannauj constituency in upcoming assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, talked exclusively to ETV Bharat's correspondent Anamika Ratna about his work, politics and ambitions behind getting into politics. In the interview, he also registered some heartfelt answers to the questions posed by his rival party president Akhilesh Yadav.
Talking about his bold switch from serving the police department to getting into politics, he said that proximity to any political party has never been on his agenda. "But when I was suggested that I could do better in politics, I seriously considered it and I felt it might be true myself. I can further develop the canvas and I do not want to link it with just one election, because in politics elections come and go, but my will to work will persist," he said. He further added that he wants to work for Kannauj continuously for the next 30 years so that there is competent development in the region.
With the recent raids and confiscation of crores of rupees from perfume traders in Kannauj, the constituency has grabbed the limelight. Akhilesh Yadav had even demanded that all the officials associated with Asim be removed from the Election Commission. Reacting to this, he put emphasis on his policy of zero tolerance towards corruption and how he sees this as an opportunity to eliminate corruption from his constituency once he wins the elections.
Opining about the importance of education in politics, he said that academics do not matter as much as ground experience does. "There might be many well-educated people in politics but I hold respect for people with ground experience. People from diverse backgrounds with lived experiences can always make better decisions," he said.
He further affirmed that he shall lead a disciplined tenure and will oblige with the party instructions. He also mentioned one of his other accomplices who entered politics after leaving the civil services. "Ashwini Vaishnav who has been a railway minister, would be a useful accomplice for me while I render into this political venture," he said.
Speaking about his campaigning and the response he is getting while the rival Samajwadi Party has been holding the seat for a long time, he said that he has been advised to 'be himself' by his well-wishers and that is the path he has chosen to follow. "I am just sticking to my forte of social service while campaigning. Votes are being sought on two grounds. One - strong law and order established by Yogi ji, second- execution of the Vikas Yojana," Denying a tough competition, he said that BJP has already done good work in Kannauj. "I just met a gentleman who got cancer and spent lakhs of rupees for treatment. But he got a lot of help under the Ayushman Yojana, so it seems that our government has done a very good job in the last 5 years," he added. He also said that the crime rate in the state has gone down significantly under Yogi's regime.
Citing his experience as a top police official, he said that the environment for police has never been as good as it is under Modi's rule. "In the past 5 years, I held three important posts - I was the Chief of ATS, I was an officer of 112 and I was the Commissioner of Police of Kanpur Nagar. I can say that I have never received any message from any government official from top to bottom that someone has to be wrongly helped or someone has to be saved," he said while vouching for the current government's transparency. On the other hand, while talking about the situation during the previous government, he said that the law and order situation was "absolutely bad".
On BJP leaders leaving the party on the complaints of being discriminated against on the basis of caste, he said the party would not be affected by their departure as the voters today are smart and understand what is going on. When asked if he could be looked at as the BJP leader who will work for the backward classes, he said that he might not be able to take such a huge responsibility although his father has also done a lot of work for the backwards. Subtly pushing the gist of the question aside, he said that he has started a Gaushala in his village and would continue to do more such tasks in the future.
Aseem expressed confidence in the party and said that the recent surveys suggest that the people of Uttar Pradesh are 100% satisfied with government. "Whatever small problems that remain cannot be solved in a day. But we have seen much progress in the last few years. We will soon stand in competition with the developed nations and people will have the BJP to thank for it," he affirmed.
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