Mathura: A court here on Thursday reserved its verdict in the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah Mosque dispute case for May 19. The judgment relates to the first suit in the case, which was filed by Lucknow resident Ranjana Agnihotri as the next friend of child deity Shri Krishna Virajman of the Katra Keshav Dev temple and six others.
Of the three lawsuits in this case, the second suit was filed by Hindu Army chief Manish Yadav and the third by five other plaintiffs through advocate Mahendra Pratap Singh.
The suits have demanded the removal of the mosque allegedly built on orders of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1669-70 in the 13.37-acre premises of Katra Keshav Dev temple near the birthplace of the deity Krishna.
“As the arguments by both sides concluded on Thursday, Sessions Judge Rajeev Bharti set May 19 for pronouncing the judgment on the Sri Krishna Janmabhumi suit,” District Government Counsel (Civil) Sanjai Gaur said.
Claiming herself to be next friend of Shri Krishna Virajman, the plaint was filed by Agnihotri and the six others in the court of civil judge senior division on September 25 last year for shifting the Shahi Masjid Idgah, constructed on a part of the 13.37 acre land of the Shri Krishna Janmabhumi Trust, he said.
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