Bangalore: Amid the plethora of complaints being registered against actress Kangana Ranaut for her derogatory remarks on Mahatma Gandhi, the Karnataka Pradesh Youth Congress Committee (KPYCC) has also stepped forward to take action against her. Along with Ranaut, he has also lodged a complaint against Journalist Ajit Bharti for making controversial statements on the Indian freedom fighters at the High Ground Police Station in Bangalore.
KPYCC President MS Raksha Ramaiah along with a delegation of youngsters demanded that both Ranaut and Ajit Bharti should be held accountable for their irresponsible comments. He demanded action to be taken against them under several offences including sedition and the violation of several other sections in the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.
Also read: Independence Row: Petition filed against actress Kangana Ranaut in Bihar
He further said that the central government must come clean and prove that it does not endorse the unsavoury comments made by the two. He demanded the Centre to speak up and take action against the offenders. He also clarified his intentions of 'intensifying the struggle across the state if the central government fails to act on Ranaut and the former journalist immediately for their anti-nationalist remarks'.
Kangana has offended several people yet again with her recent remarks on the freedom struggle and Mahatma Gandhi, in which she said that India attained freedom in 2014 when the Modi-led government came to power and described the country's Independence in 1947 as "bheek", or alms. On the other hand, Ajit Bharti - a former journalist, has also passed comments that have allegedly tarnished the sovereignty of India and its image. The complaint has been lodged against both the offenders.
Also read: Shiromani Akali Dal sues Kangana Ranaut over anti-Sikh comments