Kolkata: Kolkata Police on Saturday issued a lookout notice to suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma after she failed to appear before its officers for the fourth time despite being issued multiple summonses. Her remarks on Prophet Mohammad resulted in widespread violence in several parts of the country including West Bengal.
According to sources in Kolkata Police, Sharma has failed to respond to summons issued by Amherst Street and Narkeldanga police stations. He further revealed that Amherst Street and Narkeldanga police stations have issued summons to her separately after FIRs were lodged against her last month.
Also read: We issued notice to Nupur Sharma, she was questioned: Delhi Police after SC's rebuke
Sharma expressed apprehension that she might get assaulted if she visited Kolkata and sought four weeks' time to appear before the police officers. Demonstrations took place in several locations in West Bengal resulting in a law and order situation in several areas, including Howrah. (Agency inputs)