Kolkata (West Bengal): A Facebook post by a Kolkata-based model who died recently has thrown up multiple questions in the case. The deceased Bidisha Dey Majumdar who died by suicide at her flat in Nagerbazar on the northern fringes of Kolkata, made a Facebook post on Wednesday when her body was found in her flat, addressing her female friend as "bou" which means wife in Bengali.
Also read:Bengali television actress Pallabi Dey found dead at Kolkata home
According to police sources, the Facebook post has raised questions regarding her sexual orientation and whether she was a lesbian. The related Facebook post reads "I love you bou". The development comes at a time when police officials probing the case have already interrogated Bidisha's male partner Anubhav several times.
Police sources said that investigators have asked Anubhav asked him several questions regarding the sexual orientation issue and are also looking into that aspect of the case.