Indore(Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Thursday said that the cost of treatment of 16-year-old boy Shivam Shukla, who was injured in the Khargone violence, will be borne by the state government. Shukla, who was undergoing treatment at an Indore hospital, after suffering injuries in the Khargone violence, is stable. He was about to leave on April 11 for his native Dhar district to attend the marriage of his elder sister Kritika, but was injured in the communal violence that broke on April 10.
He was admitted to CHL Apollo Hospital in Indore and was put on a ventilator. The doctor removed him from the ventilator after his health condition improved. The Chief Minister said that "the entire cost of Shivam's treatment will be borne by the state government." The grieved family members of the injured have constantly been praying. At the same time, they demanded strict action against the rioters from.
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Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan also said that he has asked the Indore district administration to keep an eye on the situation. Indore Collector Manish Singh also spoke to Shukla's doctor to know about his condition. Because of Shukla's condition, the marriage of his sister had been called off, which was scheduled to be held on April 17. Today in Indore, Shivam's brother Nilesh Joshi has demanded strict action against the rioters and said that there were many people, who were familiar as they have deliberately targeted many houses, so now the state government should focus on the safety of the people living there.