Jammu: A special court of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday sent key accused in the Sunjwan attack case to three days of NIA custody. Earlier, on Thursday National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested an Over Ground Worker of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist outfit from Pulwama district in connection with the Sunjwan attack case in which a CISF officer was killed and several others were injured on April 22.
The accused Abid Ahmad Mir, son of Mushtaq Ahmad Mir, a resident of village Putrigam in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district, was on Saturday produced before Third Additional Session Court designated as a special NIA court.
An NIA spokesman said, "Mir is the key accused in the militant attack of April 22 on an Army camp in which a CISF ASI was killed while 10 security personnel were injured. Two militants were also gunned down by security forces in the ensuing encounter. Mir is an overground worker of the banned Jaish-e-Mohammed terror outfit."
According to the NIA, Mir was a close associate of accused Bilal Ahmed Wagay, who has been arrested in the case. It added that Mir was also in touch with Pakistan-based handlers of the JeM. He had knowingly and voluntarily extended support to the other accused in the commission of the instant crime, the spokesperson said.
Also read: NIA arrests key accused in Sunjwan terror attack case