Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Police has ordered all its district police chiefs to ensure the implementation of a state government direction to make the wearing of masks mandatory in public and workplaces, gatherings and while using transportation.
In an order dated June 22, circulated to all district police chiefs "for urgent implementation and remarks", the police department has referred to an April 27 directive of the State Disaster Management Authority making it compulsory to wear masks in "public places, gatherings, workplaces and during transport" which is still in force.
The April 27 order also states that violation of the direction would be punishable under provisions of the Disaster Management Act. The police department order comes in the wake of a gradual increase in the daily COVID-19 infection numbers and active cases in the state.
Also read: India records fresh COVID cases; 27 deaths
Last week, the state reported close to more than 3,000 cases daily and on Monday it had recorded 2,993 fresh infections, according to data on the Government of Kerala dashboard. Till June 27, the active cases in the state were recorded at 27,218 and the test positivity rate (TPR) on Monday was found to be 18.33 per cent, the data indicated. The TPR average for the last seven days was 17.52 per cent, according to the data.