Thiruvananthapuram: Five West Bengal natives have been taken into custody for questioning in connection with the killing of a 60-year-old housewife, allegedly by a migrant worker hailing from the eastern state, whose body was dumped in a well in her house in Kesavadasapuram area of Kerala’s capital here, police said on Monday.
Thiruvananthapuram City Police Commissioner Sparjan Kumar, who visited the site, told reporters that five men from West Bengal who were living adjacent to the victim’s home have been taken into custody and were being questioned. A sixth person who was with them till Sunday is missing and efforts are on to find him, he said.
The Bengal natives were part of a crew engaged in the construction of a house adjacent to the victim’s home, police said. The incident occurred on Sunday when the woman was alone at her home, police said. The woman and her husband were the only occupants living there and one of the migrant workers used to work in their home, police said.
The body was found in the well while searching for the woman after her husband found her missing when he returned home.
Also read: Chhattisgarh: Man's body fished out from river in Durg, police suspect murder
An officer of the Medical College police station, within whose jurisdictional limits the crime was committed, said that they have identified the culprit and efforts are on to trace him. An inquest in the case was going on, he added. The robbery was suspected to be the motive behind the murder, police added. (With agency inputs)