Surat: Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal launched the party's 'Choose your Chief Minister' campaign for Gujarat election on Saturday. "Who should be the next CM of Gujarat - Give your opinion," Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi. "We want the people of Gujarat to tell us who should be the next CM. We're issuing a number and an email id. You can send your opinions on it until 5 pm on November 3. We'll announce the result on November 4," he said.
Meanwhile, sources suggested that the Gujarat government is likely to move a proposal to constitute a committee under a retired High Court judge to evaluate all aspects of implementing the Uniform Civil Code in the state, following a similar procedure that was launched in Uttarakhand.
Gujarat will hit the polls in December this year. The AAP chief who is known for his model of good governance in Delhi and now Punjab will lock horns with Narendra Modi-led BJP.