Belthangadi (Dakshina Kannada): Setting an unprecedented record, adventurer Jyotiraj alias Kothiraj from Chitradurga climbed the historic Gadai Kallu or Narasimha Gada in Belthangadi district in merely two hours. What drove him was his aim of establishing a foundation and training the children in his village. Jyotiraj scaled the 1,700 feet high Gadai Kallu on February 12 and hoisted the Kannada flag on the top of it.
Before starting the challenging trek on Sunday morning, Jyotiraj performed puja at the Chandkur Durgaparameshwari temple. He had sought an official permission from the wildlife and forest department for his climb, which was granted to him. With no safety equipment whatsoever, Jyotiraj, skilled in his task, fitted just a rope around his waist. With bare hands, he started climbing the fort.
Two hours later, he put the Kannada flag on the top of it. The crowd waiting for him downstairs applauded his exceptional feat and cheered for him with slogans hailing the state and the nation. Jyotiraj got only a break of 20 minutes during the process.
This is however not the first time that Jyotiraj has done something of the sort. Popular for swiftly climbing several forts and tall buildings in Chitraduurga with bare hands, only with the help of a rope has made him famous as the 'Monkeyman' of the area. Last year, he had climbed the 405 feet high flagpole installed in Hospet, in order to mark the Azadi Ka Amrita Mohatsava.
He also has another famous name -- Kothiraj -- for his ability to climb rocks, walls and hills in Karnataka. Jyotiraj dreams of climbing the famous Angels Falls in America as he continuously strives to add more feathers to his cap.