Kalaburagi/Belagavi(Karnataka): On Wednesday night, police officials impounded a vehicle in the Jevargi area under Kamalapur taluk of Kalaburagi district, seizing Rs 1.90 crore in cash. Additionally, illegal cash worth Rs 50 lakh was seized near the Chigaralli checkpost and Rs 1.40 crore near Kinni Sadak.
In one instance, police officers intercepted a Scorpio vehicle traveling from Yadagiri to Kalaburagi and discovered Rs 50 lakh hidden inside. The driver, Yadav, was arrested as he failed to provide valid documentation related to the money.
Kalaburagi district administration has set up 42 check-posts across the district in preparation for the forthcoming assembly elections. The police are continuing to carry out thorough vehicle checks to ensure that no illegal activities take place.
In Gadag, the district police have also intensified their vehicle checking drive at check-posts. On Wednesday, Rs 17.50 lakh of unaccounted money was impounded from an Audi car coming from Goa and heading towards Kalasapur village in Gadag taluk.
The Belagavi district police have also seized cash amounting to Rs 9.97 lakh in different parts of the district. The cash was being transported without valid documentation and was seized at various checkposts including Bugute Alur, Harugeri, and Telasanga village checkposts.
Separate cases have been filed in Aigali, Sankeshwar, and Harugeri police stations of the Belagavi district. Superintendent of Police (SP) Sanjiva Patil stated that the police are continuing to carry out vehicle checks in order to prevent any illegal activities leading up to the elections.
The police are urging citizens to report any suspicious activities or movements of cash, and to ensure that all cash transactions are carried out through legal channels. The seizure of such a large amount of unaccounted cash highlights the importance of maintaining transparency and fairness in the electoral process.