Bengaluru/Karwar: Indian Coast Guard has saved the lives of seven fishermen in distress after a fire engulfed a fishing boat IFB Varda Vinayaka-I due to a short circuit in the wheelhouse. The fishing boat was at a distance of 10 NM from Karwar lighthouse.
"On receipt of the message by MRSC New Mangalore at 11 pm on November 5 from CSP Malpe sources, C-155 from Karwar was sailed during night hours at 11:15 pm for SAR MISSION for an assessment of the incident and evacuation of fishermen," the official statement stated.
Apparently, the fishing boat had seven fishermen crew onboard. C-155 reached and immediately swung into the action of dousing the fire after ascertaining all seven crew shifted to nearby fishing boat IFB Vajra, the statement added.
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"C-155 braving the inclement weather took 3 hours to completely douse the seat of the fire. On assessing that there was no further possibility of fire outbreak, C-155 provided all assistance to IFB Vajra for towing the ill-fated IFB to Karwar Fishing Harbour," the coast guard said. On completion of the rescue mission, C-155 handed over the vessel to CSP Karwar Boat at sea by 4 am on November 7 for further investigations. "Thereafter, C-155 entered Karwar at 5:30 am on November 7. All the fishermen are in a healthy state and all possible moral support to fishermen was provided by ICG," it added.