New Delhi: Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju, while addressing a felicitation ceremony for CJI NV Ramana, said that justice delayed beyond three years of time is justice denied. He said that a common man sells everything, puts his life resources to get justice and if he is unable to get it yet, it puts a question mark on the system.
On pendency of cases that has become a challenge, Rijju said it is actually at lower courts that had to be dealt with urgency. "I come from a political background so have seen dealing with cases but when a person from rural or urban area sells everything, his lifetime resources to get justice and if then justice gets delayed then its a big question mark on us. Delay beyond three years is really justice denied. The common man must be given priority," said Rijiju.
He praised CJI Ramana and the Supreme Court for dealing with so many cases and taking decisions during a pandemic and setting an example for other nations. He also praised him for appointing nine judges at a time which has never been done before. "We have a Chief Justice of India who we all have full trust and faith on that he will do justice," said Rijiju.
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