Jodhpur: The brother and sister who lost their lives in a road accident in Rajasthan's Jodhpur on Monday were actually murdered, police said on Tuesday. Jodhpur police commissioner Ravidutt Gaur said that the four accused -- Shankar Patel, Rakesh Sudhar, Ramesh Mali, and Sohan Patel -- had conspired to kill Ramesh and Kavita.
Shankar is still on the run while the rest have been arrested. Mali, driving an XUV car, deliberately rammed it into the victim duo who were on a bike. Meanwhile, DCP Gaurav Yadav said that Shankar's mobile is not reachable and the police have formed teams to nab him. During the interrogation, the three arrested accused claimed that Shankar did not have good relations with the victims and he was plotting to kill them for the last one month.
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DCP Yadav said "On Monday morning Mali rammed into Kavita and Ramesh, who were travelling on a bike. They both died on the spot." The police said that all four of the accused were linked with a gang. Meanwhile, Patel community members along with former ministers and MLAs, Jalore MP Devji Patel, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, and National Democratic Party MLA Pukhraj Garg carried out a dharna at the mortuary of Mathura Das Mathur Hospital demanding justice along with financial assistance of 50 lakhs and a government job to the family of the two victims.