Dumka: In a shocking incident, a one-and-a-half-year-old girl was killed in an incident of suspected witch-craft and buried the body in a pit in Dumka district of Jharkhand on Friday, police said. The body of the girl was retrieved in the presence of Magistrate Circle Officer Raj Kumar Prasad and Inspector Dayanand Sah, along with ASI Vijay Kumar Singh, and a police team. Later, the body was shifted to the hospital for post-mortem.
Also read: Jharkhand: Family of three beheaded over witchcraft suspicion
The girl's mother Babita Devi lodged a complaint with the Jarmundi Police Station stating that she left the girl in the house and went to the shop, but when she returned the girl was missing. After a lot of search, the girl was found in a nearby pit. Police suspected it to be an incident of witch-craft. Magistrate Circle Officer Raj Kumar Prasad said that the girl's death was assumed as natural death at first, but they exhumed the body after her mother alleged her daughter her daughter was killed by those who are practising witch-craft.