Ranchi: According to the data released by the India Metrological Department (IMD), the Palamu district in Jharkhand set a new record on Tuesday as the hottest district in the country so far. The temperature here was recorded at 44.8 degree Celsius on Tuesday, April 12, the IMD officials informed. Followed by Palamu, Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh recorded 44.5 degree Celsius, while Damoh 44.0 and Satna districts also recorded 43.5 degree Celsius each, raising concerns about the unusual extremity of temperatures.
The soaring temperatures across different parts of the country have shown an unusual trend this year, especially in the second week of April. Parts of northern and western India experienced high temperatures over the last week, with Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi among the worst hit. Higher temperatures were also felt in relatively cooler Indian-controlled Kashmir in the Himalayas, with India recording its warmest March since 1901 this year.
India's north-west also suffered with a heat-wave, raising concerns that such weather conditions could soon become typical of the area. The India Meteorological Department had forecasted last week that the temperature in New Delhi would touch 41.8 degrees Celsius (107.2 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday, which is nearly eight degrees above normal.
Also read: India's northwest reels under unusual early heat wave