Ranchi (Jharkhand): Soon after the Enforcement Directorate (ED)’s intense search at the residence of middleman Prem Prakash on Jharkhand illegal mining and extortion case was over, the ED recovered 2 AK 47 rifles from his residence on August 24 in Ranchi. Ranchi Police claimed that the weapons were allotted to 2 security personnel who kept them at Prem Prakash’s residence. Prem Prakash is an alleged middleman in corrupt deals. (ANI)
Jharkhand illegal mining case: ED leaves residence of Prem Prakash with seized AK 47 rifles
After the Enforcement Directorate raided Prem Prakash's residence in Ranchi, pertaining to the illegal mining and extortion case, 2 AK 47 rifles were recovered. Prakash is allegedly a middleman in corrupt dealings.
Jharkhand illegal mining case
Ranchi (Jharkhand): Soon after the Enforcement Directorate (ED)’s intense search at the residence of middleman Prem Prakash on Jharkhand illegal mining and extortion case was over, the ED recovered 2 AK 47 rifles from his residence on August 24 in Ranchi. Ranchi Police claimed that the weapons were allotted to 2 security personnel who kept them at Prem Prakash’s residence. Prem Prakash is an alleged middleman in corrupt deals. (ANI)