Palakkad: The Kerala Police on Thursday registered a case against a few BJP workers for allegedly unfurling a giant banner with 'Jai Sri Ram' written on it from the terrace of the Palakkad Municipal Corporation building after the party won in the recently held local body polls here.
The case was registered after the Palakkad municipal secretary filed a complaint with the police saying that "there was an attempt to destroy communal harmony, " an official said.
During the victory celebrations in front of the Municipal Corporation on Wednesday evening, a few workers were seen in a purported video unfurling a giant banner with 'Jai Sri Ram' written in Malayalam and an image of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj from top of the building.
The workers also unfurled another banner with pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, the police said.
"The special branch deputy superintendent has been asked to file a report with regard to the incident," district police chief Sujithdas S told. The party retained the Municipality by winning 28 of the 52 wards.