Jammu and Kashmir: Director-General of Police Dilbag Singh released the annual edition of crime gazette of J&K Police for the year 2020 on Tuesday. The DGP said that the report gives an insight into the crime rates and trends so that countermeasures can be taken accordingly. He insisted on setting up a target date for completing the 2021 gazette.
As per the gazette, a total of 28,936 cases were registered under various heads of crime under IPC/LSL in J&K UT during the year 2020 as against 25,072 cases during the corresponding year 2019, which shows an overall increase of 15.41% in the total registration during the year 2020.
The crime rate for the year 2020 remained at 216.90 per lakh population as against 189.41 for the year 2019.
Dilbag Singh said that the crimes these days are not only varied but also more complicated in nature. So, special focus has to be on crimes of terrorism, cyber and narcotics. He spoke about the Crime Branch as a nodal agency of J&K Police and how it should plan Police response against crimes in a systematic manner. Additionally, he also wanted special training courses for the JK Police investigators so that the conviction rate is improved.
The gazette was released in the Police Headquarters here and Spl DGs, R. R Swain, A.K Choudhary, ADGsP, Shri Mukesh Singh, M. K. Sinha, Danesh Rana, IGP Alok Kumar, AIsG of PHQ, senior officers of Crime Branch, J&K were present on the occasion.
The DGP also congratulated the officers and officials of the State Crime Record Bureau of Crime Branch while unveiling the gazette, for their dedication in compiling and publishing the gazette.
The crime gazette highlights increasing and decreasing trends in UT's crime rate during the year while comparing crimes to the previous year. It is distributed among the police officers so that they could analyse the trend and plan their strategies accordingly.