Srinagar (J&K): A 30-year-old man from Jammu and Kashmir who was issuing grave threats to a teenage student from Mumbai has been tracked down using leads from a matrimonial site. The 15-year-old girl who is a social media influencer had shared her remarks on the killing of Udaipur tailor Kanhaiya Lal. The girl is currently under police protection and has over one lakh followers on Facebook.
The content she posted on July 1, on the killing of Kanhaiya Lal had 1.4 million views on Facebook. Since this girl has shared her mobile phone number publicly on social media, she received an array of calls and texts on her number and WhatsApp. She also began to get death and molestation threats, according to police. "We took the matter very seriously and registered an FIR on July 2," said DCP Neelotpal of VP Road Police Station.
Also read: Muslim community should oppose incidents like Udaipur vigorously: RSS
The police also started a technical analysis of the phone numbers from which threats were being issued. One of the numbers was linked to a matrimonial website, through which they got his details as Fayaz Ahmad Bhat. "We sent down our team by flight to Jammu and Kashmir. With sustained efforts, the accused's location was tracked in the interiors of the Budgam district. We flew him down to Mumbai on Sunday and produced him before a magistrate court thereafter," Neelotpal said.
He has been remanded in police custody for three days. According to police Bhat does not have a criminal history, he is a divorcee and has profiles on five matrimonial websites.