Hyderabad: The Cybercrime police arrested an ISIS sympathiser for attracting the youth towards terrorism through social media in the name of the ISIS terrorist organisation. Police found that Mohammad Abusani, a resident of Falaknuma in the Old City of Hyderabad, has been making extensive use of social media for recruitment in Hyderabad for the past few months.
He was reportedly posting on social media in the name of ISIS, attracting youths toward terrorism. He had been involved in such activities several times in the past also, police said. He was arrested by the police based on IP addresses.
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Abusani is in consultation with members of the ISIS organisation that is preparing young people around the world for Jihad (holy war) according to a plan being executed from Iraq. He was sending his friends and relatives the videos to divert them towards jihad through social media and specially created apps, police said. According to sources, he is raising funds through hawala from ISIS organisation. Mohammed Abusani was detained with information that he was an ISIS sympathiser and that the police would take action based on the investigation, a senior police officer said.