Mumbai: Maharashtra Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil on Tuesday informed that an inquiry has been ordered into the meeting between former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh and Sachin Waze who had been dismissed from the Mumbai police force earlier.
The Home Minister said that the process is underway and the reports will come out soon. Singh and Waze were seen seated outside the waiting room.
Parambir Singh is a 1988 batch IPS officer who was untraceable for around 200 days. It has been reported that he was staying at Chandigarh during that period. The Supreme Court offered him protection till December’s first week. After that he appeared before Mumbai Police out of the blue.
Singh had been the Mumbai Police Commissioner and was later transferred to some other posting. He proceeded on medical leave soon after. He went missing when many FIRs were filed against him. Sachin Waze is presently in judicial custody. He was accused in an extortion case.
Also Read: Maharashtra CID summons ex-Mumbai police chief Parambir Singh