Bareilly: In a shocking incident, a herd of monkeys killed a four-month-old child after throwing him down from the third floor of a house in Dunka village of Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly on Saturday. It is learnt that Upadhyay, a farmer, was walking on the terrace, along with his wife Swati and carrying his son in his lap at around 8 pm when suddenly a herd of monkeys attacked him.
Also read: Teenage girl falls from the roof after being chased by monkeys, dies in UP
While Swati ran downstairs, the monkeys attacked Upadhyay and snatched his son and threw him down from the third floor. The child died on the spot. Several attacks by monkeys have been reported in the area in the recent past. Earlier, Gaurav's daughter Anjali, Munish's daughter Srishti, along with Poonam, Shubham, and Saubhaya, were also attacked by monkeys in the area. SDM Mirganj Dr Vedprakash Mishra said that the revenue team has been sent to the area to assess the situation.