Indore: Two incidents have purportedly taken place in Madhya Pradesh's Indore raising questions on public safety and the functioning of the administration. A purported video of a man brandishing his pistol while driving a car in the city in the wee hours has caught the attention of netizens. In the second instance, another video of two drunk girls beating up a boy has also surfaced. The police are yet to take action in both the cases.
The man showing off pistol in the video triggered a major controversy as it was widely shared on social media. The netizens are questioning whether the gun culture is rearing its ugly head in Indore. Local people are afraid that Indore's image acquired as the cleanest city in the country was maligned with the said viral videos. Social media users were quick to label the city as unsafe after these incidents.
In the second video, two drunken girls were spotted thrashing a young man over apparently a trivial issue. The case pertains to the Vijay Nagar police station area in Indore. During the alleged attack, security personnel tried to intervene and pacify them, but to no avail. The young man allegedly passed a comment on the girls.
With both videos gaining traction, people are waiting to see what action will the police take. The first instance of man driving his car and showing off pistol was recorded by a biker. The man in question had a pistol in his right hand dangling out of the window of the car while driving the car, posing a risk to others travelling on the road. On the contrary, the girls' fight was recorded by onlookers in a mall. However, no official complaint was made regarding these incidents.
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