New Delhi: In order to enhance its domestic connectivity, IndiGo airline today launched 8 new daily flights. The airline will introduce new flights between Indore-Lucknow and Lucknow-Jaipur while enhancing the connectivity between Delhi, Dehradun, and Lucknow.
IndiGo will operate new flights between Delhi-Lucknow, Lucknow-Jaipur, and Indore-Lucknow effective September 01, while the flights connecting Delhi-Dehradun will commence from September 5, 2021.
In a statement to the media, IndiGo's Chief Strategy and Revenue Officer, Sanjay Kumar said, "We are pleased to announce 8 new daily direct flights to strengthen our domestic network. These flights will not only improve accessibility, but also cater to the increased travel demand from Delhi, Lucknow, Jaipur, Dehradun, and Indore. The new routes will enhance mobility between the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttarakhand and improve accessibility while promoting trade and commerce in the region."
Also read: IndiGO starts Hyderabad-Malé direct flight
IndiGo in its statement said that the flights were designed to cater to business and leisure travellers who are constantly on the lookout for new and affordable flying options.