Vadodara: India's "traditional rural way of living" has been providing lessons to the world community as it faces the climate change crisis, President Ram Nath Kovind said on Saturday. The president addressed a `Yuva Shivir' (youth camp) organised by Shree Swaminarayan Temple at Kundaldham in Gujarat's Vadodara district through a pre-recorded video message.
He was happy to be speaking before the camp "organized with the sacred purpose of instilling life-values of the Indian Vedic Sanatan culture in the younger generation," he said. "India's traditional rural way of living has been guiding the world community which is battling the challenges of climate change. All of us can save our Earth by protecting the environment and treating nature in a compassionate way. By protecting our rivers, ponds, trees, seeds, cows and all living beings, mankind can also be saved," Kovind said.
He appreciated the initiatives taken by the temple to protect the environment. "While Gujarat has presented a tableau of industrial progress in front of the country, the example of natural farming and zero budget agriculture has also been put forward," the president said, referring to the effort of the temple to encourage organic farming and cultivate Ayurvedic and herbal medicinal plants which are distributed free of cost to the needy. The youth play an important role in the progress of society and nation, and there is a need to give them proper guidance for leading a smooth and addiction-free life, Kovind said.
"Kundaldham Shree Swaminarayan Mandir has set an ideal example of service to the nation by providing assistance to the needy during natural calamities, by offering free food and medicines to the poor, and by transforming the temple into a COVID Hospital during the pandemic," he said. Kovind also appreciated "Hari-Charitamrit Sagar," a compilation of writings on the life, thoughts and teachings of Lord Swaminarayan engraved on titanium plates, saying this "immortal book" will not be destroyed "for ten thousand years". It was a unique example of efforts to "save and pass on our heritage to future generations," the president added.
Also read: Climate change making extreme heat waves in India 100 times more likely: Study