New Delhi: The ongoing fierce war between Russia and Ukraine has not only made the land red with blood but has also shattered the doctor dreams of many. The students of Ternopil University, who returned to India after facing tense moments in Ukraine, spoke to ETV Bharat and shared their harrowing experiences. They say that the first thing they got suggested during Russia's attack on Ukraine was to collect cash and food items. They added that not many arrangements were made by the universities, and hence they had to travel on their own to the Ukrainian borders.
The students - Ayushree, Yashasvi, Prince, Shraddha, Shiva, and Rajul - who hail from various places said though the Indian Embassy on the Romanian border was helpful, they had to pass through different cities of Ukraine, sometimes on foot and via bus ride. The journey to the border was such a frightening experience that it will not be forgotten for life, the students say.
Ayushree, who had walked 10-15 km said, "How could they ask for help from the people who themselves were surrounded by fears of being killed in the war? Ukraine actually became a country where natives and migrants all together became refugees. There was no difference...the only way for everyone to save their lives was to understand how to reach across the border." She adds that her friends are still stuck in the midst of the war in Ukraine and are facing a scarcity of food, drink and cash.
Now, what will happen to their studies and their future? Neither the administration nor anyone is able to answer this. Well, their pain is truly indescribable and as said, the death of dreams is no less than a tragedy. These medicos who have now returned, want a decision from the Government of India regarding their future. However, the family members of these children are thankful that their kids have escaped the horrors of the war and returned to their homes.