New Delhi: India wouldn't have been partitioned if Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was alive at that time, said National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. While delivering the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Memorial Lecture here on Saturday, he hailed the freedom fighter for showing audacity at various stages of his life. He said Subhas Chandra Bose had the audacity to challenge Mahatma Gandhi.
"I am not saying good or bad, but there are very few parallels in the Indian history and the world history of people, who dared to sail against the current," Doval said adding that Netaji was a lonely person and had no country supporting him except Japan.
"The idea that came to his mind was "I will fight the British, I will not beg for freedom. It is my right and I have to get it. India would not have been partitioned if Subhas Bose was alive. Jinnah said I can accept only one leader and that is Subhas Bose," Doval said.
Also read: India's biggest strength is human resource, says National Security Advisor Ajit Doval
“Jinnah had said I can accept only one leader and that is Subhas Bose,” Doval recalled. Doval further stated that Bose not only wanted to free India from political subjugation, but he also felt the need to change the political, social and cultural mindset of the people.
“Netaji said I will not compromise for anything less than full independence and freedom. He said that he not only wants to free this country from political subjugation, but there is a need to change the political, social and cultural mindset of the people and they should feel like free birds,” the NSA said.