New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday said New Delhi is in touch with the Russian authorities in connection with the detained IS terrorist and a suicide bomber who was planning to attack a member of India's ruling circles. In response to a query over the matter, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "We are aware of the case and we are in touch with the Russian authorities on the matter".
However, Bagchi further refrained from commenting on the matter and said, "Given the security implications, you would appreciate we are not in the position to share further details on the matter at this moment". This comes as Russia has detained an Islamic state terrorist who was planning to carry out a suicide attack on India's ruling circles for the Prophet Muhammad's comment.
Russian Federal Security service has also released a video where the alleged terrorist, Mashrabkhon Azamov who is an Uzbek national, confessed that he arrived in Russia after training in Turkey and was preparing an act of terrorism against a member of India's ruling circles for insulting Prophet Muhammad.
Meanwhile, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who was in Tashkent for the SCO Defence ministers meeting, thanked his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov for arresting IS terrorists. During the exchange of pleasantries with Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu, Rajnath Singh conveyed his deep appreciation and thanks for arresting in Moscow a terrorist who was planning attacks on India.