Chandigarh: The inner rift among Punjab Congress reared its ugly head once again on Friday, as Deputy Chief Minister in the incumbent Charanjit Channi government, Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, took potshots at Navjot Singh Sidhu. Blaming infighting among Congress' ranks, Randhawa alleged Sidhu of speaking against the party and its leaders.
Randhawa, coming out of Raj Bhavan, took Sidhu to task, saying "The party whose state president is seen repeatedly violating rules, will obviously not be able to wield very less influence among people. The party High Command should immediately take action against them".
Randhawa's attack comes after a message by Navjot Sidhu earlier on Friday, where the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee president is seen to be targetting those who tried to betray him.
Also read: Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi submits resignation
"Those who tried to put Sidhu in a hole, themselves fell into holes 10 times deeper. Who says justice was not done to those who were unfair? It happened in the people's court. Forget whatever has happened. It's a new dawn. People have both hopes and aspirations on AAP, which is why they have voted for them. I wish AAP all the best. If someone truly loves Punjab, they have to bow, and accept people's mandate with grace ...", Sidhu had said.
The exchange could not possibly come at a worse time for Congress, who, less than 24 hours back, suffered a crushing defeat in the assembly elections, managing to win only 18 seats out of 117 in the state. Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, contesting from Bhadaur and Chamkaur Sahib, lost both.
In Bhadaur, he lost to Aam Aadmi Party's Labh Singh Ugoke by a margin of 37,558 votes, while in Chamkaur Sahib, he lost to AAP candidate Charanjit Singh by 7,942 votes.