New Delhi: For the first time in India, the Supreme Court started using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing technology for live transcription of its hearings on an experimental basis from Tuesday. Launched today, the experiment was tried in the courtroom of Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud for the Constitution bench hearing the Maharashtra political crisis matter.
The Constitution bench proceedings will be transcribed from Tuesday and given to lawyers for vetting prior to uploading on the Supreme Court website. This will be on an experimental basis for a day or two to iron out creases in transcription before becoming a norm, the CJI said.
After the mentioning of cases were completed on Tuesday and the Constitution bench sat to begin hearing for Maharashtra political crisis case, CJI DY Chandrachud announced that the SC is trying live transcription and will see how it works out. He said that its an experiment and will help advocates as well the law colleges.
"Do you see the screen? We are just trying to explore the possibilities of live transcript. It is an experiment. Then we will have a permanent record of arguments. Of course, it will help the judges and the lawyers, but law colleges can also analyze how arguments are made," said CJI, as the Constitution bench hearing commenced.
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Highlighting the problems, CJI Chandrachud said said if there are two or more voices together, there can be a problem but there are people to clean the transcript as well. He said that by evening, the counsels will receive the link and they can see for themselves. Transcripts of oral arguments made by the advocates will now be available on the top court's website, Chandrachud further added.
Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal called the initiative a "wonderful idea" and a "milestone". Senior Advocate Indira Jaising had earlier filed a petition in the Supreme court seeking transcription of proceedings in the court. CJI Chandrachud had then said that the court will take into consideration her plea. He had said that they will consider giving links to live streaming on cause list, provision of live streaming matters of national importance and audio transcripts for access to court proceedings.