Jodhpur: The Vayu Shakti air show 2022, slated to be held at the Chandhan firing range near Pokhran on March 5, will see participation from various fighter aircrafts from different airbases in the country. These will include Jodhpur, Phalodi, Jaisalmer, Uttarlai, Nal, Bhatinda, Agra, Hindon, and Ambala airbases.
The air show, preparations for which are almost complete, was originally scheduled to take place on February 10, but has been pushed forward.
The air maneuver event will further witness participation from 150 aircrafts of the Indian Army. As per information, trial runs are being conducted from the five major airbases located on the Western frontier, including Jodhpur. In case of unfavourable weather conditions, a stand-by date of March 7 has been kept in hand by relevant authorities.
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Military aircraft, including Sukhoi jets and Chinook helicopters, will be displaying their prowess. The star of the show, however, is expected to be the Rafale jet. The entire fleet of Rafale is expected to partake in the exercise.
The event will be centered around the Jodhpur airbase, with more than 200 flights scheduled on the day of exercise.
The total airshow time of two hours has been carved out between three phases: an hour of full light, and half-an-hour of flight time each in the evening and in the night.