New Delhi: Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Friday tendered an apology to President Droupadi Murmu over his "Rashtrapatni" remark. "I am writing to express my regret for having mistakenly used an incorrect word to describe the position you hold. I assure you that it was a slip of the tongue. I apologize and request you to accept the same," his letter to President Droupadi Murmu read.
The Congress MP's comment on the President on Thursday triggered a war of words between the ruling BJP and the Congress with cabinet ministers Smriti Irani and Nirmala Sithataman slamming Sonia Gandhi, the interim President of the Congress both inside and outside the Parliament. Chowdhury is the leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha and used the remark while talking to the media during his party's protests over a host of issues.
Union Minister Smriti Irani said that Chowdhury used the term knowing well that it demeans the President and is against India's values. "Congress should apologise to the President and the country," she told reporters. "A tribal woman from a poor family who created history is being continuously demeaned by the Congress," she added.
Also read: 'I am a Bengali, not used to Hindi', will apologise: Adhir on 'rashtrapatni' remark
The Congress MP later explained on Thursday evening that being a Bengali, he is not used to speaking in Hindi, adding that he made a mistake. remark. Earlier in the day, Chowdhury had also said that if the President felt bad because of his remarks, he will personally meet her and apologise.
"I can't even think of insulting the President. It was just a mistake. If the President felt bad, I will personally meet her and apologise. They can hang me if they want. I am ready to get punished but why is she (Sonia Gandhi) being dragged in this?" he said.
Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh BJP workers presented a complaint letter against the Congress leader on Thursday. “A complaint letter was presented by BJP workers against Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury for making insulting remarks towards President Droupadi Murmu. FIR filed in the matter under IPC Sec 153B, 505(A) and being sent to Delhi,” informed Dindori ASP Jagannath Markam.