Hyderabad: The Pakistan team reached Hyderabad a week ago for the One Day World Cup. In the meantime, the Pakistani players are enjoying the Hyderabadi cuisine while staying at a renowned hotel in Hyderabad. Recently they tried Dum Biryani (Hyderabadi Biryani). In this context, ICC has recently posted a video on social media. In that video, Pakistani cricketers were asked which is better between Hyderabadi Biryani and Karachi Biryani. How will they rate Hyderabadi Biryani? When asked. "Hyderabadi Biryani is a bit spicy." This is its specialty. I give it eight marks out of 10," opined Pakistan captain Babar Azam.
Pace bowler Hasan Ali rated it 10/10. Batter Imam-ul-Haq said, “It is wonderful. I will give 11 marks out of 10,'' he said. When asked about the difference between the two biryanis, Babar Azam said Hyderabadi Biryani is a bit spicy. On the occasion of the World Cup 2023 Captains' Day held on Wednesday, the Pakistan captain was once again asked how Hyderabadi biryani was... "I heard that Hyderabadi biryani is good... yes it is very good,'' he said. Imam-u-Haq explained that both biryanis are good.
Also read: ICC World Cup 2023: Few rules that underwent changes since 2019 edition
Meanwhile, the fans gave a warm welcome to the Pakistani players, who came to visit India after seven years. The Pakistan team, which is preparing for the World Cup, has already played warm-up matches against New Zealand and Australia at the Uppal Stadium. However, Pakistan lost in both of these matches. Pakistan will face the Netherlands on October 6 and Sri Lanka on October 10 in the World Cup matches at the same stadium. On October 14, a match will be held between arch-rivals India and Pakistan at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad.