Hyderabad: In a bizarre incident, a 'drunken' man set his 12-year-old son on fire allegedly for his poor academic performance. The incident occurred in Hyderabad's KPHB area on Sunday night.
According to the reports, Balu asked his son Charan to get beedi for him from a nearby shop. However, Charan returned home late.
Angered by this, Balu started scolding and beating Charan, a Class VI student, for his poor academic performance.
When the boy's mother, who has been associated with a local school as an attended, intervened in the matter, Balu pushed her away and took the child out of the house.
He then poured Turpentine oil (Turpentine is a fluid obtained by the distillation of resin harvested from living trees, mainly pines and largely used in painting purposes) on the boy and set him ablaze. The boy ran away shouting for help and fell in a ditch nearby.
The boy, who suffered 60 per cent burn injuries, is undergoing treatment at Gandhi hospital.
The police have registered a case against Balu and further investigation into the incident is underway.
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