New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday chaired a high-level meeting to discuss the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir and also reviewed the status of the ongoing development projects in the region. During the first session of the meeting at the North Block, Amit Shah met Lieutenant General of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha and discussed developmental issues and the current situation in the Union Territory.
The Home Ministry in a statement said, "Union Home Minister Amit Shah reviewed various development projects of Jammu and Kashmir in New Delhi on Friday, with the motto 'Development with Transparency' enunciated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi." "The Home Minister appreciated the 90 per cent reach of the Central government's schemes in J-K. Simultaneously, Amit Shah congratulated the Lieutenant Governor and his team for covering 76 per cent of the Covid-19 vaccination drive in Jammu and Kashmir," the Union Home Ministry added.
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The Union Home Minister directed to ensure the benefits of the refugee package to all the refugees from Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), West Pakistan and those who had to migrate from Kashmir to Jammu at the earliest. Shah also asked the authorities for the completion of many other development schemes including the Prime Minister's Development Package and industrial development projects at a fast pace. He also directed starting the 3,000 MW Pakal Dul and Keeru hydroelectric projects and fast-tracking other 3,300 MW projects.
For the strengthening of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies, Amit Shah directed officials to immediately organize training for the members, making proper sitting arrangement for them and providing equipment and other resources for smooth functioning of these bodies.
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Amit Shah spoke about the use of modern techniques in agriculture to increase the income of the farmers and said that work should be done to increase the quality of apple production in Jammu and Kashmir so that apple growers receive a maximum price of the crop.
In the second session of the high-level meeting National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, Intelligence Bureau Director Arvind Kumar, Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) chief Samant Goe and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Director General Kuldiep Singh briefed Union Home Minister about the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir and also discussed the recent terrorist attacks and killings.
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