Kangra (Himachal Pradesh): Delhi Women's Commission chairperson Swati Maliwal raised five questions to Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday regarding the 40-day parole given to controversial religious leader Baba Ram Rahim. In a tweet, Maliwal asked, "Did any court grant parole application of Baba Ram Rahim? If so, which court?"
Maliwal further asked whether the Haryana government minister was lying when he said that government's prison department is dealing with issues like parole. The government should clarify whether the magistrate gave parole. Why was Ram Rahim granted parole when it is to be given only if it is urgent? She asked what action was taken against ministers and officials who attended the Baba's satsang. She also wanted to know whether the government considered the Baba a good conduct prisoner.
Swati Maliwal, who has been demanding cancellation of Ram Rahim's parole, launched a tirade at a time when leaders from other States also took part in the Baba's programme.
Also read: Gurmeet Ram Rahim changes adopted daughter's name to 'Ruhani Didi'
Himachal minister Bikram Singh Thakur took part in the virtual event of Dera Sacha Sauda's chief and sought his blessings. Thakur joined the event online and had a conversation with Baba Ram Rahim. Speaking on the occasion, Bikram Thakur said, "We need your blessings consistently. You are doing virtuous work, especially in Punjab and nearby states through your campaign. May all of us keep getting your blessings."
Recently, Gurmeet Ram Rahim has changed the name of his adopted daughter Honeypreet to Ruhani Didi. "My Daughter is called Honeypreet. Since everyone calls her 'didi', it causes confusion as everyone is called 'didi'. So the name changed to 'Ruhani Didi' and modernised it to 'Ruh Di' to pronounce easily," said Ram Rahim.