Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Consumer Commission has asked Jubilant Foodworks Limited at Shimla as well as Domino's Pizza to provide Rs 8013.33 to complainant Piyush Vyas as fine amount for charging the cost of carry bag/carton while delivering pizzas to him. Both companies have been asked by the consumer panel to pay the aforementioned amount.
The order was issued by the bench of the District Consumer Commission comprising its Chairman Dr Baldev Singh, members Yogita Dutta and Jagdev Singh Raitika. In the fine amount, Rs 13.33 was the cost of the carry bag charged from the consumer while delivering pizzas. Besides, Rs 5000 was the fine amount imposed on the two companies and Rs 3,000 will also have to be paid by both companies as the litigation cost.
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The consumer panel provided relief to the complainant under the Sale of Goods Act 1935 (read Section 36). As per the Act, a company while delivering goods or food items is supposed to provide a carry bag free of cost. It should not charge for the same. The complainant produced the copy of the bill/receipt before the court — wherein the erring company had added the cost of the delivery bag to the main bill, said sources.