Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday directed officials to ensure time-bound shifting of major offices, currently functioning from private buildings, to the vacant multi-storeyed parking complex near Tutikandi. Sukhu, who visited the complex that also houses office spaces, said all dead walls must be replaced with spacious windows to ensure proper ventilation.
Charging stations for Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) buses will be established on the top floor of the parking lot and directed the authorities concerned to ensure that no private buses were allowed to park there, a statement released here said. Later, he also visited the office of the Chief Minister's Helpline and directed the officers of the IT Department to strengthen its functioning in order to facilitate the people in the redressal of grievances.
The chief minister also stressed upon starting innovative schemes such as Whatsapp Chatbots and Voice Bots for taking automated feedback from the citizens. The state government on Friday notified some of the cow sanctuaries and gausadans' as infirmaries and a notification in this regard has also been issued under sub-section (i) of section 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act 1960 (59 of 1960), a spokesperson said. (PTI)