Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday said that everyone should abide by the verdict of the High Court on the Hijab row, and cooperate with the state government in implementing it. Calling for the maintenance of peace and order in the society, he said that "nothing was more important" than education for children.
"I have just now got to know through the media about the High Court's order regarding the case related to uniform (in class rooms). The court has upheld the uniform and has said that Hijab is not an essential religious practice," Bommai said while speaking to reporters here. "This was a matter concerning the future and the education of students, and nothing is more important than education," he added.
"It is necessary to have peace and order in the state and all castes and religions in the State must follow the court order," said Bommai. He appealed to all children, parents and teachers to co-operate in the implementation of this mandate. He also sought help to provide education to children and advised all students to attend classes and exams.
The Karnataka High Court today dismissed petitions filed by a section of Muslim students, seeking permission to wear Hijab inside the classroom. The prescription of school uniform is only a reasonable restriction, constitutionally permissible which the students cannot object to, a three-judge bench of Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice J M Khazi noted.
READ: Hijab verdict: Will move SC, say petitioners; students boycott exams