Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has granted conditional bail to two accused from Tamil Nadu who had threatened the judges of the three-member bench of the Karnataka High Court which had ordered the hijab ban.
The application submitted by Rahmatullah and Jamal Mohammad Usmani in relation to the case was heard by the division bench headed by the judge K. A Somashekhar.
"Petitioner Rahmatullah and Jamal Mohammad Usmani shall personally furnish a bond of one lakh rupees each, both as sureties. The accused must be present in court on all days of trial. Must cooperate with the investigation and not be involved in any criminal activities and the evidence should not be destroyed," the court remarked while granting bail under these conditions.
Also read: Hijab row during exam in Bihar college
On March 15, a three-judge bench headed by then Chief Justice Rituraj Awasthi, Justices Krishna S. Dixit and JM Qazi announced a verdict that Muslim students cannot wear hijab in schools and colleges.
Many religious organizations protested against the verdict. Tamil Nadu Tawheed Jamaat (TNTJ) Auditing Committee member Rahmatullah had stated that the judge who gave the verdict should be killed like Judge Uttam Anand was murdered in Jharkhand. This video went viral on social media following which Jamal Mohammad Usmani was arrested by Tanjapur police.