New Delhi: At a time when some states have been witnessing a spike in Covid-19 cases, the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday sounded an alert ahead of Amarnath Yatra and other festivities. In a letter to chief secretaries and administrators of different states and Union Territories, Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said that "such congregations" may potentially facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases, including Covid-19.
While the trajectory of Covid-19 cases has declined significantly from levels that were observed in the earlier part of this year, a few states and union territories across the country are witnessing a sustained upswing in the cases currently. "Upcoming months are likely to witness mass gatherings in context of various festivities as well as yatras to be held in different parts of the country. During many such events and yatras lakh of individuals undertake intra and inter state journey spanning hundreds of kilometers with halting points arranged by volunteers and community-based social and religious organisation," Bhushan stated. He said that there is a need to enhance the focus of the five-fold strategy of test-track-treat-vaccination and adherence to Covid-19 appropriate behaviour.
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Bhushan said that all States and Union Territories, where such mass gatherings and yantras are proposed to be held should widely publicize that all individuals planning to participate in such gatherings are asymptomatic and preferably fully vaccinated against Covid-19. "If need be a special drive for primary vaccination and precaution dose administration to all eligible people may be taken by the administration at least a fortnight in advance for those planning to join. Further adequate publicity and arrangements for testing (RTPCR-RAT) shall be done across multiple locations," Bhushan said.
He also said that health care workers, other front line workers, volunteers engaged during such events by state and district administration and organisers of such event should be asymptomatic and preferably fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Bhushan further said that in events like religious yatras, where en-route congregation points are expected, concerned State governments shall identify major routes expected to be taken by individuals and organise requisite health facilities on these routes.