Hyderabad: The High Court on Monday directed the Osmania University (OU) to take a decision on NSUI's (National Students Union of India) application seeking permission to host an interactive session with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with the varsity students. The NSUI leaders had approached the High Court earlier today and requested to hold a house motion hearing urgently before the summer holidays get over.
Justice Vijayasen Reddy, accepting the request, conducted an urgent hearing on the matter. The petitioners stated that they had reached out to the Osmania University on the 22nd of April, while the OU rejected it, citing that the Executive Council had passed a resolution last year to not allow any political activities on campus. It also said that elections of employee unions and exams are also scheduled on the campus on the same days as the session is proposed.
The counsel for NSUI argued in the court that Rahul's visit to the university does not have any political motive. The lawyer for the petitioner stated that the session will be intended at motivating the students, and that other arrangements would be made at the Tagore Auditorium in OU, if allowed. The HC thereafter ordered the OU to consider the NSUI application and deliver a decision by the 5th of May.
The matter had gained friction on Sunday after the student union leaders protested against the refusal by varsity authorities, followed by police involvement in the matter. Already, 18 people, including NSUI president Balamuri Venkat, were arrested. PCC president Revanth Reddy visited the student leaders at Chanchalguda jail on Monday, and said that a letter has been submitted to the jail superintendent seeking permission for Rahul Gandhi to meet the arrested NSUI leaders.
Reddy affirmed that Rahul Gandhi will surely visit the imprisoned leaders in the Chanchalguda jail and that the 'TRS (Telangana Rashtra Samithi) cannot control them with illegal arrests and detainments.'
Meanwhile, Rahul is all set to arrive in the state capital on May 6 for two days, wherein he will hold a public meeting in Warangal on his arrival. He is also scheduled to mark his presence at various functions, including a meeting with party leaders the next day on May 7.
Also read: Rahul Gandhi's meeting with Osmania students on campus, Congress to move HC