Alwar: A debt-ridden resident of Rajasthan's Naharpur village allegedly disturbed with moneylenders ended his life on Tuesday. Sadar police station, Sub-inspector Pukhraj said that Imamu Khan was found hanging at his home. His brother Javed spotted the body when he returned home from the field and informed the police. The post-mortem of the deceased has been done and the body has been handed over to the family, said Pukhraj.
Javed informed the police that Imamu borrowed Rs 35,000 last year from Jahul, working with a Finance Company. Jahul imposed interest on the borrowed amount and demanded that Imamu return Rs 4.5 lakh. He also used to threaten Imamu to repay the debt.
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On December 3, Jahul had come to Imamu's house to threaten him and a recording of their conversation was found taped on Imamu's phone. Pukhraj said that police have lodged a case against Jahul and a probe into the matter has started.