Ahmedabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that Gujarat has reached new heights in the health sector in 20 years. The PM was addressing a rally in Navsari on the sidelines of the inauguration of Nirali Multispecialty Hospital and Health Center. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and BJP state president C.R. Prominent personalities including Patil were also present at the event.
“In these 20 years, work has been done at every level for health infrastructure in Gujarat from urban to rural areas. Thousands of health centers have been set up in rural areas. 600 Deen Dayal dispensaries have been started in urban areas. Today in Gujarat, even in government hospitals, there are advanced facilities for the treatment of diseases like cancer," the PM said.
He said the capacity of the Gujarat Cancer Research Institute has been increased from 450 to 1,000 while modern cancer treatment facilities were available in Jamnagar, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and Vadodara. Kidney Institute is being modernized in Ahmedabad where the number of beds will be doubled soon, Modi added. He said over the past 8 years, his government has “emphasized a holistic approach to reform the health sector”.
“We have tried to modernize the treatment facility. Good nutrition and a clean lifestyle are in a way related to the behavioral issue related to preventive health which is the primary responsibility of the government. This is what we have emphasized. Our goal is to save the poor, and middle class from disease and minimize the cost of treatment. Efforts have been made especially for the good health of children and mothers. We can see clear results now”.
In his address, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel said that the inauguration of the hospital is an “opportunity to highlight the culture of public service” adding the “state-of-the-art hospital has been started in a short span of one year”. The CM said the proliferation of health, services, and hospitals in Gujarat has grown over the past 2 decades. Nirali Hospital with a capacity of 500 beds will provide better service to the patients, he said.