Ahmedabad: In a major development, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Saturday snatched the ministries from cabinet ministers Rajendra Trivedi and Purnesh Modi. While Trivedi was stripped off of the Revenue portfolio, Modi suffered the loss of the Road and Building ministry. The move has come months ahead of the upcoming assembly elections.
CM Patel will hold the additional charge of both the ministries as of now, while Harsh Sanghavi -- the Minister of State for Home -- has been given the additional responsibility of Revenue as its MoS. Minister of State for Industries and Forest and Environment, Jagdish Panchal, will be the MoS for the Road and Building department, some BJP sources informed.
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Trivedi is now left with the ministries of Disaster Management, Law and Justice, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs while Modi will continue to hold Transport, Civil Aviation, Tourism and Pilgrimage Development. Both Trivedi and Modi are among the 10 cabinet-rank ministers in the Bhupendra Patel government.
Patel replaced Vijay Rupani as the chief minister last September when the entire Gujarat cabinet was asked to resign by the top leadership of the BJP. Assembly elections are due in Gujarat in December this year.