Gandhinagar: The Gandhinagar police on Monday produced Sachin Dixit, an accused in the Heena murder case and the father of the abandoned 10-month-old boy, in the district sessions court, which sent him to three-day police remand.
Dixit will be taken to Vadodara on a transit warrant, as the police there have charged him for the murder of Heena alias Mehndi. He had an extra-marital relationship with Heena, who was the mother of the 10-month-old boy, Shivansh, abandoned by Dixit, police said. The police also said that Dixit, after killing Heena in Vadodara came to Gandhinagar on Friday with his 10-month-old son where he left him at the gates of the Swaminarayan Gaushala.
The baby's pictures went viral and there was public outrage. After scrutinising the CCTV footage, the police identified the person and located him in Rajasthan. On Sunday, it was revealed that Dixit had killed Heena some days ago and packed the body in a bag, leaving it in the kitchen of the apartment they used to live in, in Vadodara. Sachin used to live there during the weekdays and then stay with his legal wife and four-year-old son in Gandhinagar during weekends.
Also Read: Gujarat: Home Minister oversees operation to trace guardians of abandoned child
According to the police, during the interrogation, Sachin said that Heena had pestered him not to go to Uttar Pradesh in the week. Outraged by this and following an argument, he strangled her. Thereafter, Sachin returned to Gandhinagar with Shivansh. After abandoning his child in Pethapur, Dixit returned to his house in Gandhinagar and the next day (Saturday) morning left for Kota, Rajasthan from where he was later picked up by the Gujarat Police.
Shivansh is now being taken care of by the Child Protection home in Odhav, Ahmedabad. The police are in the process of matching the DNA samples taken from Shivansh, Sachin and Heena. Gujarat Minister of state for home Harsh Sanghavi said on Saturday that more than 190 requests had been made to the police for Shivansh's adoption.